The new Euro 6 engine and aftertreatment course is designed to give delegates an excellent understanding of the systems and components used. Euro 6 engines incorporate EGR and SCR in order to meet the tough emission standards and the aftertreatment system is effectively a chemical engineering plant. Technicians must understand how it works before attempting to work or diagnose faults.
This three day course will be aimed at competent Technicians involved in the maintenance and repair of engine & aftertreatment systems. Delegates will be encouraged to develop their understanding by participating in practical exercises & discussion throughout the course.
Delegates will learn to understand the implications of the aftertreatment system and how to undertake re-gen activities and know when individual units need cleaning or replacing. Delegates will also undertake laptop diagnostics using Cummins Insite software. At the end of the course participants will be able to identify faults and be able to rectify and clear faults, running assessments are used for each part of the course to help track progress and results can be provided to the employer, 80% minimum pass rate required.